Ni miaka kumi na nne iyopita siku ya jumamosi tarehe 21/2 saa sita kasoro dakika tatu alizaliwa binti Camilla. Kwa pamoja twapenda kumshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu kwa kumlinda binti Camilla. Pia tunamshukuru Mungu kwa kutupa nguvu sisi wazazi za kuweza kumpa Camilla malezi yaanayotakiwa.HONGERA KWA SIKU YA KUZALIWA BINTI YETU!!!!
Hongera mjomba kuzimiza miaka hiyo mimi nachukuwa nafasi hii kukupa hongera za dhati nakutakia maisha marefu na kuhitaji uwe mke mwema na uwe mbunifu katika maisha
mimi mjomba
Hongera pacha wa mwanangu Mija. Mungu azidi kuwa nawe Camilla, akupe afya njema na maisha marefu.
Happy birthday Camilla.
Happy birthday Camilla.
Rafiki yangu wa hiari Kapulya, naomba umfikishie mwanangu Camilla heri na baraka tele kwa siku yake ya kuzaliwa!
Hongera ,binti camilla. bado unasafari ndefu katika maisha. msininyime kipande cha keki. hongera pia mama mzazi na baba mzazi mmekuza!. kaka s
Hongera Kapulya kwa binti yako kutimiza umri huo wa kuzaliwa kwani ni faraja kwa wazazi kuona mtoto akikua na afya na hekima pia!Mungu amlinde na kumpa busara na maarifa. Happy Camilla.
Hongera saaaana kwa siku hiyo ya kuazaliwa ujazwe baraka na afya tele!
1 Enyi watoto, watiini wazazi wenu katika muungano na Bwana, kwa maana hilo ni jambo la uadilifu: 2 “Mheshimu baba yako na mama yako”; ambayo ndiyo amri ya kwanza yenye ahadi: 3 “Ili mambo yakuendee vema nawe ukae muda mrefu duniani.” 4 Nanyi, akina baba, msiwe mkiwakasirisha watoto wenu, bali endeleeni kuwalea katika nidhamu na mwongozo wa akilini wa Yehova._Waefeso 6:1-4
Hongera da'Camilla,Mungu awenawe daima,Hongera Wazazi na Mungu awabariki katika Malezi yenu!!!
Je, watoto wanaweza kutambua njia wanazoweza kumwiga Yesu zaidi na kuwafurahisha wazazi wao? Ni kweli kwamba nyakati nyingine watoto huona ni vigumu kuwatii wazazi wao, hata hivyo, Mungu anataka watoto watii. (Methali 1:8; 6:20) Yesu alimtii Baba yake wa mbinguni sikuzote, hata hali zilipokuwa ngumu. Pindi moja, Mungu alipomtaka Yesu afanye jambo gumu sana, Yesu alisema: “Niondolee kikombe hiki [au takwa fulani].” Hata hivyo, Yesu alifanya mapenzi ya Mungu kwa sababu alitambua kwamba Baba yake anajua mwendo bora wa kufuata. (Luka 22:42) Kwa kujifunza kutii, watoto watawafurahisha wazazi wao na Baba yao wa mbinguni.#—Methali 23:22-25.
Hongera zangu nyingi sana....na Mwenyezi Mungu akuzidishie afya njema na mafanikio mema mengi Camilla.
Hongera sana Dada Yasinta kwa kuwa na binti mzuri hivi.
Grattis på födelsedagen önskar Edna. Hoppas att du har en underbar födelsedag.
Wakati unapita kweli... kama umeme vile! Siku ya kila mwaka kwa Camilla imefika tena?!
Hongera sana, Binti!
Hongera na kila la heri
Heri ya kuzaliwa mwanetu.mwenyezi mungu akujalie miaka miiingi mingine yenye heri na afya njema.
Mwanangu[Camilla], kula asali, kwa maana ni njema; asali tamu ya sega na iwe katika kaakaa lako.Vivyo hivyo, ijue hekima kwa ajili ya nafsi yako. Ikiwa umeipata, basi kuna wakati ujao, na tumaini lako mwenyewe halitakatiliwa mbali._Methali 24:13,14
Helping Youths
Meet the Challenge
THE world, its lifestyles, and its fads have always undergone change. Largely because of modern technology, changes are even more pronounced today. What was in yesterday is out today, and what is popular today will be obsolete tomorrow. These rapid changes have a marked impact on young people.
A Social Revolution
In recent years, technology has sparked a revolution that has had a profound effect on youths. For example, in many lands the cell phone and the computer have become a lifeline of the adolescent social world. Social networking sites have opened up a whole new world of possibilities. “You can be relatively friendless in real life and then suddenly have hundreds of friends online,” says a 19-year-old girl in Australia.
Few would deny that the cell phone and the Internet have numerous benefits. For many people, however, these tools seem to have become addictive. University Professor Donald Roberts notes that some students “can’t go the few minutes between their 10 o’clock and 11 o’clock classes without talking on their cell phones.” He says: “It seems to me that there’s almost a discomfort with not being stimulated—a kind of ‘I can’t stand the silence.’”
“When I get home, I go online immediately and stay on . . . sometimes till 3 A.M.”
Some youths even admit that they feel hooked. “I’m totally addicted to instant messaging and my cell phone, because they’re how I keep up with my friends,” says 16-year-old Stephanie. “When I get home, I go online immediately and stay on . . . sometimes till 3 A.M.” Stephanie’s monthly phone bill is anywhere from $100 to $500. “By now,” she says, “I owe my parents more than $2,000 in excess charges. But I’m so used to having my cell with me all the time that I can’t live normally without it.”
The problems can be more than financial. While doing a study on family life, anthropologist Elinor Ochs found that when a working parent came home, the spouse and kids were often so absorbed in what they were doing that 2 out of 3 times they did not even say a greeting! They just kept on monitoring their electronic gadgets. “We also saw how difficult it was for parents to penetrate the child’s universe,” says Ochs. She adds that during the study parents were observed actually backing away, retreating from kids who were absorbed in whatever they were doing.
Online Social Networks—Harmless?
Many parents and educators are concerned about the amount of time youths spend visiting what are called online social networks. These are Internet sites that allow members to create a Web page and enhance it with pictures, videos, and diaries, called blogs.
Social Networking—One Girl’s Story
“I began to use our school Web page to interact with fellow students and teachers. I started with one hour a week. Soon I was on every day. I felt so addicted that when I wasn’t on the Internet, I was thinking about it. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. I got behind in my schoolwork, I wasn’t listening at Christian meetings, and I even ignored my real friends. My parents finally realized what was going on and limited my use of the Internet. That was hard for me. I was very mad. But now I’m happy that things worked out this way, and I have adjusted very well. I never want to feel addicted again!”—Bianca.
Helping Youths
Meet the Challenge
THE world, its lifestyles, and its fads have always undergone change. Largely because of modern technology, changes are even more pronounced today. What was in yesterday is out today, and what is popular today will be obsolete tomorrow. These rapid changes have a marked impact on young people.
A Social Revolution
In recent years, technology has sparked a revolution that has had a profound effect on youths. For example, in many lands the cell phone and the computer have become a lifeline of the adolescent social world. Social networking sites have opened up a whole new world of possibilities. “You can be relatively friendless in real life and then suddenly have hundreds of friends online,” says a 19-year-old girl in Australia.
Few would deny that the cell phone and the Internet have numerous benefits. For many people, however, these tools seem to have become addictive. University Professor Donald Roberts notes that some students “can’t go the few minutes between their 10 o’clock and 11 o’clock classes without talking on their cell phones.” He says: “It seems to me that there’s almost a discomfort with not being stimulated—a kind of ‘I can’t stand the silence.’”
“When I get home, I go online immediately and stay on . . . sometimes till 3 A.M.”
Some youths even admit that they feel hooked. “I’m totally addicted to instant messaging and my cell phone, because they’re how I keep up with my friends,” says 16-year-old Stephanie. “When I get home, I go online immediately and stay on . . . sometimes till 3 A.M.” Stephanie’s monthly phone bill is anywhere from $100 to $500. “By now,” she says, “I owe my parents more than $2,000 in excess charges. But I’m so used to having my cell with me all the time that I can’t live normally without it.”
The problems can be more than financial. While doing a study on family life, anthropologist Elinor Ochs found that when a working parent came home, the spouse and kids were often so absorbed in what they were doing that 2 out of 3 times they did not even say a greeting! They just kept on monitoring their electronic gadgets. “We also saw how difficult it was for parents to penetrate the child’s universe,” says Ochs. She adds that during the study parents were observed actually backing away, retreating from kids who were absorbed in whatever they were doing.
Online Social Networks—Harmless?
Many parents and educators are concerned about the amount of time youths spend visiting what are called online social networks. These are Internet sites that allow members to create a Web page and enhance it with pictures, videos, and diaries, called blogs.
Social Networking—One Girl’s Story
“I began to use our school Web page to interact with fellow students and teachers. I started with one hour a week. Soon I was on every day. I felt so addicted that when I wasn’t on the Internet, I was thinking about it. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. I got behind in my schoolwork, I wasn’t listening at Christian meetings, and I even ignored my real friends. My parents finally realized what was going on and limited my use of the Internet. That was hard for me. I was very mad. But now I’m happy that things worked out this way, and I have adjusted very well. I never want to feel addicted again!”—Bianca.
Hongera baba na mama kwa kumpatia malezi mazuri kiana na ona kia mtu anasistiza malezi bora na malezi ni kwa baba na mama ,naomba mjomba asome waoni yetu na atafakari ni kwanini amepata maoni mengi ,MWANANGU JUWA KUWA HAWA NI WATU WANAO ONGEA NA WAZAZI WAKO HIVYO FUATA HEKIMA YA WAZAZI WAKO TUNAJUA KUWA KAKA HAWEZI ZAA MBUNI ILA MTOTO WA MUHUNZI ASIPO FUA ATASANA HII NI KAULI YANGU KWA LEO ILA KUMBUKA ILE METHALI KWENYE BIBLIA ,MKUMBUKE MUUMBA WAKO SIKU ZA UJANA WAKO
Nachukua fursa hii na kusema ahsanteni sana wote kwa maoni yenu mazuri, maombi yenu pia upendo na ushirikino wenu mzuri mnaouonyesha. Ni furaha kuona mmejumuika nasi katika kusheherekea siku hii ya kuzaliwa kwa binti yetu Camilla. Mwenyezi Mungu na awabariki na awaongezee upendo. Pia awabariki wote mliopita hapa na kutoa maombi yenu pia na wale waliopita tu wawe na baraka pia. AHSANTENI.
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